Exposiciones, presentaciones de libros, talleres, reuniones de asociaciones académicas y de redes de investigadores, cine foro, conciertos, bailes, feria de artesanía, homenajes etc.
Fecha límite para presentar la propuesta para el ICA2025: 1 de marzo de 2025.
Exhibitions, book presentations, workshops, meetings of academic associations and researcher networks, cinema forum, concerts, dance, craft fair, tributes, etc.
Deadline for the proposals for ICA2025: March 1st 2025.
All payments will be made in Serbian currency, the dinar (RSD).
The amount charged to your payment card will be converted to your local currency at the exchange rate used by the card issuer, which cannot be known to us at the time of the transaction.
Please note that this conversion may result in a slight difference from the original price stated on our website.